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Open Enrollment Information

Applications for Open Enrollment will only be accepted March 1st through April 30th each year for the following school year.  

  • Only the legal parent/guardian of the student may apply for open enrollment.  Proof of legal custody will need to be provided (if applicable).
  • You must also register your child within your District of Residence. If accepted at Perry, you will be notified in June and further details will be given to finalize your enrollment. 

NEW applicants:  Click here to begin the application process

RENEWAL applicants:  Your application will only be available to you within your student’s final forms each year during the timeframe of March 1st - April 30th.  

ALL APPLICANTS must provide a current proof of residence with each application each year.  Applications will not be processed without the appropriate documentation. 


  1. Completion of application within Final Forms
  2. Proof of residence:  Current utility bill and lease agreement/purchase agreement 
  3. Special Education (if applicable):  Current IEP or 504 plan if issued by another school or district, other than Perry Local Schools.

Click here to review the Perry Local Schools Inter-District Board Policy.